Petition: Tell Metrolink board to commit to electrification!

Southern California is falling behind the Bay Area on regional and high speed rail. Sign the petition!   Electrification proposal for Southern California regional rail. Metrolink needs to make it happen. The Bay Area’s Caltrain just debuted its first in the state electric service, powered by proven overhead wire technology, to glowing reviews. These lightweight electric trains serviced by overhead catenary wires will provide fast, reliable, more frequent, quieter and zero emissions service that Gov. Read more…

How Environmental Law Holds Back Cleaner & Better Rail | Part 2: Atherton vs. Caltrain Electrification

Last time, we got an overview of how the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), can affect rail projects in general. In this entry in the series on how CEQA holds back clean, transformative electric rail, we’ll do a deep dive into how CEQA litigation caused serious delays to Caltrain electrification, set to finally open electrified service in late 2024 after numerous setbacks. A Caltrain EMU (electric multiple unit) sits in a yard while undergoing testing, Read more…

How Environmental Law Holds Back Cleaner & Better Rail | Part 1: Introduction to CEQA

California needs significant reductions in transportation-related emissions to meet its climate targets. Those reductions need to come from both the vehicles themselves as well as mode shift – reducing the number of Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT). Rail electrification is a policy that accomplishes both goals: it converts diesel-spewing trips to clean electric trips, and it can take both cars and trucks off the road with better transit service. Unfortunately, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Read more…